Frequently Asked Questions

What is meditation?

It is a way of connecting your inner self by becomming aware of what is happening in and around you.

How can I fit this in as I have no time?

The brain is like a muscle. So, we need to exercise it, just like you would go to the gym to give your body a workout. To start with you can do this in bed before you go to sleep for a minute or two. This will come with regular practice.

How do I know I am doing it right?

There is no right or wrong way of doing it. Try not to judge yourself and be open to the experience. It is a process. Just trust the process. There is no competition – it is a practice. The more you practice – your practice will change. So, embrace your meditation journey.

How can I meditate as I am not religious or spiritual?

You can be but you dont have to be religious or spiritual. There are so many benefits and itsa selfdiscovery journey.

How can I meditate as I can't stop my thoughts?

You dont have to and it is not possible tostop your thoughts because that is what the minddoes. It is about becoming aware of your thoughts. When your mind wanders you bring your attention back to your breath or whatever you were focusing on.